New Kia Cerato comes in 5 option with 2 engine capacity 1.6 and 2.0 base. For Manual series Kia Cerato offer the 5 transmitions and Automatic series it is offered with 4 transmitions. Both 1.6 engine capacity wether EX or SX have economic fuel up to 14.2km per litter while the 2.0 engine capacity based this sedan offering fuel economy up to 12.8km per litter. Both of this car have used the FWD drive type.

Futuristic and sporty style of this sedan makes this car impressed as modern car with all of its engine, features, interior, and exterior.

Prices for Kia Cerato
1.6 EX (M/A) = $ 66,999
1.6 SX (M/A) = $ 72,999
2.0 SX (M) = $ 86,999
2.0 SX (A) = $ 89,999